Thursday 10 January 2013

Last Year At Marienbad

Last Year At Marienbad (1961), is  the follow up film of Alain Resnais’ ground breaking and experimental film Hiroshima Mon Amour. Written by Alain Robbe-Grillet and starring Delphine Seyrig and Giorgio Albertazzi, it is as divisive 52 years after its release as it was at its debut. The film can be be aptly summarized in a synopsis, but it would be nowhere near a conclusive and accurate portrayal of the events that are depicted. The audience follows A (La Femme) and X (L’Homme), in the spa hotel Marienbad. X continuously hounds A with events and memories that happened last year at Marienbad, when the two were apparently lovers.  A man named M who could be a lover, husband, or guardian, but is never made clear, keeps watch and is wary of the two while the events take place. However A is unsure and unaware of these assertions and memories. Thus begins a surrealist and existentialist trip within the memory and existence of these two individuals.